Celebrity Exception in Ottawa

I spent a glorious weekend at the Ottawa Fringe Festival, catching up with my fellow touring artists and hanging out with the cast and crew of Celebrity Exception, which I managed to see three times. The actors were delightful and managed to do something new and surprising with every performance; they kept the audience laughing from start to finish.

Reviewers were also impressed. Mariette Delevallée of Apartment 613 called Celebrity Exception “hilarious,” “original,” “well-written,” and “naughty,” while Allan Mackey of On Stage said it “continually subverts what you’re expecting.”


Chillin’ with the cast in front of our promo-poster.

Celebrity Exception
at Ottawa Fringe, June 17-28 2015
produced by Black Sheep Theatre
written by Katherine Glover
directed by Dave Dawson
starring Mike Kosowan, Robin Hodge, Jonah Lerner and Alexis Scott.

New Jobs, New Writing

I came back from Chile and decided that, for the sake of future bike trips (which WILL happen), I should learn some stuff, so I got a job as a bike mechanic. Then the place where I’ve been a substitute ESL teacher for almost ten years offered me my own class, teaching four nights a week — so it’s been busy.

But my creative endeavors are not dead! I haven’t had nearly as much time for writing lately as I would like, but after next week I’ll only be working at the bike shop one day a week, and then I’ll have more time for the three new projects I’ve been batting around in my brain — two plays and a solo show.

I’ve also got work going up in June:

The One Minute Play Festival
June 20-21, 2015
Produced by Walking Shadow Theatre Company and the Southern Theater

Celebrity Exception, by Katherine Glover
at the Ottawa Fringe Festival
June 17-28, 2015
Produced by Black Sheep Theatre

Big Fun Radio Funtime
June 14, 2015
Produced by Fearless Comedy Productions

Up Next: Chile!

I’m finishing up the first draft of a new full-length play (currently titled “Forgotten Crimes”) and then heading to Chile for a six week bike trip on the Careterra Austral. By myself. Which is a little adventurous, even for me, but… I basically got tricked into it. Two friends of mine were going, friends who have done numerous bike treks before and absolutely know what they’re doing, and I was just tagging along. But then these friends had to bail, and by that point, I’d already bought the gear (new bike, ultra-light tent, etc), spent weeks training, and gotten super-stoked, so… I’m going.

I’ve got short pieces in two shows coming up in Minneapolis in December — the horror anthology Hennepin Avenue Nightmares and the live comedy podcast Big Fun Radio Funtime, and then I leave on January 5. (Burglars: I do have roommates, so don’t get excited). The plan is to return on February 12, so if you have a hard time getting in touch with me during that period, that is probably why.

Stealth Fame

Iveys program cover

This was the program cover for the 2014 Ivey Awards. The same image was projected on the screen between acts. However, hardly anyone recognized me with my heavily-make-upped, uncharacteristic scowl, so I am calling it “stealth fame.” Everyone has seen my face; they just don’t realize it. (Though it has also been pointed out to me that, given the shirtless young man photoshopped in front of me, it’s possible no one was even looking at me in the first place.)

For comparison, here is me before the show with my storytelling buddy Ward Rubrecht, (who, when he’s not too busy winning every story slam in town, occasionally covers men’s fashion for local magazines).

Ivey Awards

Phoenix Theater Grand Opening

10445950_274239906098988_4823834103514225567_nI’m performing at the Grand Opening of the Phoenix Theater, which is taking over the old Brave New Workshop student union. I’ve always loved the space and I’m thrilled about having this new venue around — we’re already looking at booking future shows there for Story Arts of Minnesota.

Saturday, November 1, 4pm to 11pm
Phoenix Theater, 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis

Join us at the Phoenix for the first public welcome of this newly reborn performance space. Doors open at 4:00pm for socializing and tours. Performances start at 5:00pm and continue every hour on the hour.

Performances include:
5:00pm Shel Silverstein shorts performed by Zac and Laura Delventhal
6:00pm: Solo storytelling by Katherine Glover and Jeremy Motz
7:00pm: Physical performance by Kirsten Stephens
8:00pm: Tributante Uptown Ball Burlesque
9:00pm: Concert by Willie Cherry

What I’m Doing in October

Word Sprout logoWord Sprout blog posts, Aug. 12-15
This happened in August, but this is the month I’m telling you about it… Word Sprout had a Blogger in Residence program over the summer featuring various Twin Cities spoken word artists, and each blogger wrote three posts – one about who they are, one giving advice, and one promoting upcoming shows. I won’t link to the third one, since this post already contains all the promotion you could ever need, but here are the first two:

The Man in Her Dreams – Oct. 4-19
The full-length expansion of Dead Wrong runs for three weeks at Nimbus Theatre. More info at www.freshwatertheatre.com.

The Encyclopedia Show – Oct. 11 & 19
We are doing not one but TWO shows this month, one of them a special event tied to a book tour. See my shiny new calendar for details.

Ruination: Cities of Dust – Oct. 18 & 19
A mystery game on bicycles. I will be one of the actors giving clues and challenges. More info via Northern Lights.mn.

The Man in Her Dreams World Premiere

MIHD show imagePresented by Freshwater Theatre Company
October 4-18 2014
at Nimbus Theatre, 1517 Old Central Ave, Minneapolis, MN

Megan Shepard is positive that Jabari Woods is the man who assaulted her and left her for dead in a local park. Nikki Woods knows her husband was home with his family the entire time. And Gloria Woods knows only that she wants her son out of prison. A play about memory, justice, and living with a loved one behind bars.

See more

What I’m Doing in July

Show photo1. Jumpin’ Jack Kerouac, July 31 – August 10, Minneapolis, MN
I’m in a dance show! At the Minnesota Fringe! The fabulous Windy Bowlsby, who created the hit dance show “Boogie-ography” at the 2012 Minnesota Fringe, has challenged herself to choreograph a group of writers and make us look good. And she seems to be succeeding — I’ve seen some of the pieces I’m not in, and they look adorable. At the Rarig Proscenium; see more details at the Fringe website.

2. This or That, Annapolis, MD
The Colonial Players is producing Alien Love Triangle as part of its 2014 Summer One-Act Play Festival, “This or That.” The festival has two groups of plays — one called “This” and one called “That,” and ALT is part of “That,” which plays on July 18, 20, 24, & 26. It is directed by Lelia TahaBurt and described as “a tongue-in-cheek, sci-fi farce taking place on an alien planet.” I can’t be there, unfortunately, but they have promised to send pictures.

3. Revising ‘The Man in Her Dreams’ for October production!
Freshwater Theatre is producing The Man in Her Dreams this fall so I’m working on some edits of the script before they start rehearsals. The show will run October 4-18 at Nimbus Theatre; I’ll post details as we get closer to the date.

4. Updating my website
Finally. It had been awhile. Oops.