1. Jumpin’ Jack Kerouac, July 31 – August 10, Minneapolis, MN
I’m in a dance show! At the Minnesota Fringe! The fabulous Windy Bowlsby, who created the hit dance show “Boogie-ography” at the 2012 Minnesota Fringe, has challenged herself to choreograph a group of writers and make us look good. And she seems to be succeeding — I’ve seen some of the pieces I’m not in, and they look adorable. At the Rarig Proscenium; see more details at the Fringe website.
2. This or That, Annapolis, MD
The Colonial Players is producing Alien Love Triangle as part of its 2014 Summer One-Act Play Festival, “This or That.” The festival has two groups of plays — one called “This” and one called “That,” and ALT is part of “That,” which plays on July 18, 20, 24, & 26. It is directed by Lelia TahaBurt and described as “a tongue-in-cheek, sci-fi farce taking place on an alien planet.” I can’t be there, unfortunately, but they have promised to send pictures.
3. Revising ‘The Man in Her Dreams’ for October production!
Freshwater Theatre is producing The Man in Her Dreams this fall so I’m working on some edits of the script before they start rehearsals. The show will run October 4-18 at Nimbus Theatre; I’ll post details as we get closer to the date.
4. Updating my website
Finally. It had been awhile. Oops.