Phoenix Theater Grand Opening

10445950_274239906098988_4823834103514225567_nI’m performing at the Grand Opening of the Phoenix Theater, which is taking over the old Brave New Workshop student union. I’ve always loved the space and I’m thrilled about having this new venue around — we’re already looking at booking future shows there for Story Arts of Minnesota.

Saturday, November 1, 4pm to 11pm
Phoenix Theater, 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis

Join us at the Phoenix for the first public welcome of this newly reborn performance space. Doors open at 4:00pm for socializing and tours. Performances start at 5:00pm and continue every hour on the hour.

Performances include:
5:00pm Shel Silverstein shorts performed by Zac and Laura Delventhal
6:00pm: Solo storytelling by Katherine Glover and Jeremy Motz
7:00pm: Physical performance by Kirsten Stephens
8:00pm: Tributante Uptown Ball Burlesque
9:00pm: Concert by Willie Cherry