WARNING: These stories are not about sex.
They’re about arson, murder, bribery, corruption and greed.
Well, okay, and maybe a little bit of sex.
“A frank and fascinating look at the world’s oldest profession.”
Winnipeg Free Press
“This show will certainly satisfy anyone interested in the saucy side of history”
“Her engaging stories will keep you hooked.”
see magazine
written and performed by:
Katherine Glover
writing feedback:
Nancy Donoval, Lane McKiernan
performance feedback:
Marcel Nunis, Jason Kruger, Matthew Foster
publicity photos: Skot Nelson
wig and make-up: Andrea Heilman
Performance History
Rogue Festival
March 3 – 11, 2011
Winnipeg Fringe Festival
July 13 – 24, 2011
Edmonton Fringe Festival
August 11 – 21, 2011
Victoria Fringe Festival
August 25 – Sept 4, 2011
Vancouver Fringe Festival
September 8 – 18, 2011
Minnesota Fringe
August 1 – 11, 2013
IndyFringe, Indianapolis
August 15 – 25, 2013
Special Thanks
All Fringe staff, volunteers and technicians.
Susan Lopez, Robin Gillette, Christopher Bauleke, Desiree Alliance, Jessi Winchester, Amanda Brooks, Candice Seppa Arroyo, Allen Lichtenstein, Barb Brents, George Flint, Russ Reade, and all helpful librarians, especially the interlibrary loan department at Minneapolis Central Library.
Colleen Elkin, Stephanie Hall-Koch, Mike & Elizabeth Borchert, Sabir Nazarov, Marcel Nunis, Joy Mohler, Allison Rozell Tatum & Ajay Radhakrishnan, Justin Wahe, Eli Piper, David Low, Luke Linhoff, couchsurfing.org and all of the generous people who hosted me during research trips or festivals.
Ben Egerman, Ward Rubrecht, Erin Busby and Steve Allen.