Dead Wrong Reviews

“This is excellent theatre… Everyone should see this.”

-Alvina Ruprecht, Capital Critics Circle, Ottawa


Vue Weekly

“Beautifully written.”

KC Stage

“Fringe at its most moving.”

The Pitch, Kansas City

“Katherine Glover is phenomenal.”

-Matthew Champ, Production Ottawa

“A powerful depiction of justice gone awry… Katherine has captured, in one hour, the lifetime of hell and horror when mistaken identity sends a man away for life.”

-Darryl Burton, wrongfully convicted
exonerated in 2008 after 24 years in prison.

“Glover does an absolutely spectacular job…
In all, a must see.”

The Road to 1,000, Fresno, California

“The stellar script plumbs the double hell of being both victim and attacker with grace and creativity… Writing this strong in a play rooted in social justice doesn’t come along often.” -Winnipeg Free Press


-Carin Bratlie, artistic director of Theatre Pro Rata
Art Hounds, Minnesota Public Radio

“A winner in every way.”

This is as gripping a piece of theatre as you are likely to encounter anywhere in Ottawa this year. It’s a solo piece, but there are times when you feel that the bare stage is occupied by the many ghosts who haunt its central character, a young woman tormented by the knowledge that she has sent the wrong person to prison for a brutal assault against her.

Katherine Glover’s play — provocative, unsettling and always dramatically arresting — raises important questions about the machinery of justice in our society and how it had grievously malfunctioned. The theme is a familiar one these days, but here it’s more than just a retread. Glover, a Minnesota journalist, was inspired by actual events in writing a play which owes much of its impact to the unexpected but always dramatically valid turns it takes. Glover’s own performance as the victim — rueful, troubled, unsparing in her own self-knowledge — glistens with psychological truth.

-Jamie Portman, Capital Critics Circle, Ottawa

“The most intense hour of this year’s Fringe.”

One of the starkest, most honest representations of a real-life no-win scenario I could imagine. Glover takes a stripped down storytelling approach to her show, allowing her character to let us know, in her own words, what she’s going through at every stage of the nightmare. And it’s amazing, and frustrating, and scary and HOW CAN YOU BE MISSING THIS?

-Kevin Reid, The Visitorium, Ottawa

“Dead right in every aspect.”

The simplicity and clarity of both writing and presentation enhance the complexity of the issues under discussion. The straightforward, high quality performance by writer/performer Katherine Glover is simply riveting.

-Iris Winston, Capital Critics Circle, Ottawa

Audience reviews from Ottawa Fringe:

“A first-class piece of issue-driven theatre. Don’t miss this one. Glover has distilled several real-life cases of unjust incarceration into a tightly narrated, moving and very plausible drama.”

“Impressive performance, authentically delivered. Although the theme is heavy, the story is woven together through the years with all the emotions, including some humorous and uplifting moments, to cut through the deeper torment. A great fringe performance, which could go far beyond!”

Audience reviews from the Minnesota Fringe (click on ‘reviews’ tab)

“This show will make you think about tough topics like justice, memory, racism and guilt. Even though it is told through one character’s point-of-view, Glover gives us glimpses of both sides of this story as the plot unfolds. This is a show with substance, quality acting and storytelling, great journalism, and simple, effective writing.”

“Intense, important, moving, insightful, heartbreaking.”

“A riveting story well told. A highly recommended hour of theater.”

Audience reviews from the Rogue Festival, Fresno, California

“Very powerful and very moving.”

“I highly recommend it.”

“A compelling dramatic piece… Go see this.”

“I like plays about ‘important’ topics, but they often fall short of being good plays. This one was excellent! The performer was so natural on stage I felt I was really listening to someone tell her story. The writing was complex – no easy answers or cheap feel-good moments. Learned a lot about our criminal justice system too.”

“My favorite so far. Darker than her past work, but more compelling.”

“Yup. It’s good.”

-phillip low, Twin Cities Daily Planet